Tag: music
Music / Candy Claws Sweeten the Deal
26th October
This one time I went Scuba Diving. I was thirteen, and and I felt like an idiot with all the gear and the flippers and the mask on top of the awkwardness of being thirteen. That is, until I got …
Op3rador means “Op3rator”
28th July
Epa Chapela
from the album Operador Vive [ Pilla Records, 2008 ]
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23rd July
It’s Just Vanity
Oh Kiddo, You Don’t Even Know
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your …
18th July
_this is the second time we tip music on this little blackboard. This time a singer-songwriter from Australia? Sarah Blasko is the name and she just released a new album. Here you can see a [ bike ] [ as …