Tag: lope
2nd July
_as if proof was needed that the editors of The Gopher [ Illustrated! ] spend a lot of time online [ particularly editors of the male gender who will will not <LOPE> name that tend to scan the interwebs for …
2nd July
_as if proof was needed that the editors of The Gopher [ Illustrated! ] spend a lot of time online [ particularly editors of the male gender who will will not <LOPE> name that tend to scan the interwebs for …
What's in this thing, you ask? Well, we've got images, and features, and interviews, and articles, and short bits, and long bits, video posts, sound posts, lists and series, the local, the worldly, the controversial, the inane, and sometimes, if you look closely, the not-fit-for-print (which, of course, we'll just print anyways). Mostly old stuff, and new stuff. You know... the usual.