31st July
_according to her website: Johanna Dery not only illustrates but also makes short films, drawings, prints, little books, and occasionally music & papier-mache creatures; multi-tasking, Rhode Island-style.
30th July
_this photo is titled Motorista and it was taken by Gorka Gondra, a Portugal-based photographer.
29th July
_Rip: a Remix Manifesto is a documentary about copyright and the current generation done by Canadian activist Brett Gaylor. Another example of his position about copyright is the project Open Source Cinema.
…Op3rador means “Op3rator”
28th July
Epa Chapela
from the album Operador Vive [ Pilla Records, 2008 ]
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have …
27th July
_we had some fun watching Shapemaker’s video at YouTube but found their website quite annoying.
26th July
_the Tour De France wouldn’t have struck us as particularly artsy, but photographer Brent Humphrey has made its sights his muse.
25th July
_nothing visual today, just Daniel W. Drazer‘s column at Foreign Policy and Tyler Brûlé‘s one at the Financial Times. Airport reading you may say.
24th July
_Lisa Hanawalt lives in L.A. and has a dog named Indiana Jones. She also makes these drawings.
23rd July
_yesterday’s Jared was 21 years old and from Boone, USA. Today some Pekka Niittyvirta, 35, and from Helsinki. That thing about taking photos of people from behind them.
23rd July
It’s Just Vanity
Oh Kiddo, You Don’t Even Know
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your …
22nd July
_if the title is to be taken literally, the guy bending in the photo is a priest. More info at Jared Boger‘s website [ can you believe that Boger is just 21 years old ? ].
21st July
_ Shocked Images II is the title of this collage by Berlin-based artist Kirstine Roepstorf
20th July
_ These seats are a part of Charlott Markus’ “Cinema de Erotique“. We guess these are shot in Amsterdam, where she lives.
Talking Shop: “Global” Explained.
20th July
We have been hard at work putting together our zero issue (which you will be able to flip through in our nifty PageFlip on our “magazine” section) several issues have come up surrounding the idea of spaces. Spaces as in …
19th July
_the new week gets us thinking about color and gradient. Fitting our mood - Jordi Ferreiro [ Barça ].
18th July
_this is the second time we tip music on this little blackboard. This time a singer-songwriter from Australia? Sarah Blasko is the name and she just released a new album. Here you can see a [ bike ] [ as …
17th July
_Tom Gallo’s website doesn’t say much about the guy, just these words: Tom Gallo – musician turned self-taught designer.
16th July
_the Design Has No Name studio is from Argentina but their clients are spread all around the world.
15th July
_we’re still wondering if the some of the portraits and landscapes by Lane Coder are shot in Polaroid.
15th July
_and now that we’re talking about blogs: Boicozine was a project from Press Publish that we still miss, their new blog -just called Press Publish- is excelent, but has quite a different interface and feeling [ in the image …
14th July
_John Delk does installations like the one above, but he’s also into video and photographs.
12th July
_we had no idea that Adam Scott [ the painter not the golf player ] had showcased his work at Kavi Gupta Gallery.
9th July
_Nathanael Rich of Slate asks why Scandinavians write such great crime fiction. RedRum in Oslo? (that legendary home of the accords) Click on the link for the story.
8th July
_Here at the Gopher we love lists. Lists make up the geography of our minds. So when we found Webdesigner Depot’s list of 100 extraordinary paper designs we had to post it.
7th July
_This is not a portfolio, but it is free content in easily digestible meta-format. Check out Chris Anderson’s Wired piece on why freebies are the future of business.
Matt W. Moore
4th July
Our last post in this section ended in attributive mystery, so this one is titled and linked for your derivative viewing pleasure. According to his website, Matt (can we call you Matt?) just had a solo exhibition named “Parallel Universe” …
Happiness in the Kitchen
4th July
Oh, but how we’d be thrilled to preach on a saturday. Point being, we saw this and liked it, so we post it and a link – with regards – to the source:
EDIT: It seems …
Dylan Shrader
4th July
Let’s test this thing, shall we? This one features our friend and Appalachian-dweller Dylan Shrader, who will be reviewing music in our upcoming first issue. We break the seal on our nifty music section with Shrader’s “Some Day” – recorded …
2nd July
_as if proof was needed that the editors of The Gopher [ Illustrated! ] spend a lot of time online [ particularly editors of the male gender who will will not <LOPE> name that tend to scan the interwebs for …